Change of heart!

After waiting four months I’m pleased to say that the first crop of the Broad Beans were ready today… so I dodged the rain and carefully cut some beans as well as some purple sprouting broccoli and salad leaves. The carrots and beetroot will be ready in a couple of weeks and the garlic and shallots won’t be far behind. Exciting times!

The beans were taken from the bottom of the plants and you need more than you think as there are only four little beans inside each pod! They were picked when still small and tender so all I did was remove them from their pods. Mother Nature is amazing – each little bean is perfectly wrapped in a fur lined pod. Seriously, have you taken time to feel the inside of these pods? Damp, cool, velvety… surely only good things come in such heavenly wrappers – I’ve finally changed my mind about Broad Beans Being Evil.

I combined chopped garlic, red chilli and olive oil in a pan and gently cooked for a few minutes. I then added some leftover slow roasted tomatoes, threw in the purple sprouting broccoli and seasoned well. This mixture was added to cavatappi pasta and served with fresh salad and garlic bread.

It was absolutely lovely! The Broad Beans were silky smooth and sweeter than I imagined and far removed from the bitter, squeaky beans of my childhood! The only thing I may do differently next time is take them out of their individual shells, not because they were tough, but because their intense, bright green insides were hidden!

Amy over at  A Healthy Life For Me  kindly posted a recipe for Fava Beans and Manchego Crostini. If you haven’t yet visited her inspiring blog it’s well worth the trip – great recipes, a beautiful garden and useful tips on entertaining.

I’m so pleased that my plan to “grow something I dislike” worked. I’ve watched these beans grow, enjoyed their flowers, nutured them and eaten them whilst fresh. After 4 months of care I would be entitled to finally say that I hate Broad Beans. Lucky for me, I now love them! I would certainly recommend planting some next year if you dislike them… go on, give them a go!

41 thoughts on “Change of heart!

  1. That looks scrumptious! Your approach of growing something you don’t like is one I take with my children. My theory is if they help plant the seeds and watch it grow they become a little attached to the vegetables and will be more apt to try it and maybe even like it!

    • Go for it! There’s a beautiful crimson flowered variety that I’m going to try next year… I really was a hater but I’m so glad I changed my mind x

  2. I was a bit like you about broad beans till I started taking the outer casing off – if makes such a difference to the taste and texture of them. Mine aren’t far off being ready – may well give your recipe a go.

  3. That looks like a delicious meal! I never would have thought of growing fava beans, but I think you may have convinced me to give them a try next year.

  4. Snap! We too are growing Broad Beans for the first time this year…having thought I hated them. The first harvest was last week and like you we are converted. Delicious!

    • I kept an open mind but as soon as the blossom came, and I smelt the beautiful perfume, I decided that I would grow them again even if I still disliked the beans.

  5. You are so right, they are so fluffy inside. I always wanted a giant one for a sleeping bag! I’m with Elaine, I’m not so keen unless the outside skin is peeled off… Then they are divine!!

      • Well, the pods seem to be doing well but they are still very small. My dad says you can pick them at this size and eat the whole pod but I would like to see how they develop, especially as this is the first year I have tried to grow any broad beans. I’ll post the details when they are ready 🙂

  6. Wow, these look great! Brilliant skills on the growing front! Popping broad beans out of their shells reminds me of my childhood, so much work but so very rewarding! Broad beans are my favourites, i’ve not been brave enough to try growing them yet, maybe next year…’ve inspired me 🙂

    • Thanks Susan – it’s all ended better than I expected a few months ago 🙂 I’ve just been catching up with your posts – for some silly reason WordPress doesn’t always notify me of Blogspot/Blogger sites. Sorry!

  7. Wow……next year I’m definately going to try these. That dish looks gorgeous and it’s not something I’ve tried myself as it hasn’t really appealed to me but seeing that above has changed my mind 100%

    • Broad beans are very easy to grow and the flowers smell so lovely! They’re hardy and one of the first crops to appear which is always satisfying after all the hard work in Spring… they do take up quite a bit of room though!

  8. That looks delicious! My other half is growing broad beans on his allotment this year and we’ve just had the first of them. We did shell them, which if you’re sitting comfortably is quite therapeutic!

  9. Hi, just found your blog via Elaine at A Woman of The Soil, and lingered on for a good read. I’m growing broadies for the first time this year, loathed them as a child (love that you tried to hide them in your pocket! Mine were dropped on the floor) and love them now. Also growing pink beans and want red flowered ones next year. Tip I read recently for skinning the beans is to pop them into boiling water for 1 minute – easy to slip the skins off after and much nicer in salads, etc.

  10. The Scarlet Runners here on the Oregon Coast are about a foot high…and you are harvesting beans already?
    Your photos are very clear and sharp. Well done!

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