
Brrrrrr. It remains cold out there so there’s not a lot of change to see in the garden. However, the days are certainly getting lighter and the Spring flowers are starting to put on a show. The wind has damaged quite a few plants and the covers keep blowing off but it has simply taught me to choose hardier plants this year.

March Garden

The kittens are now 6 months old and this weekend they went outside for the first time. They have bells on their collars to give the birds fair warning that they’re around and after much encouragement they slowly made their way to the Kitchen Garden. Milo may be the bigger cat but he’s a scaredy cat! I haven’t got any clear photos of him as he kept close to the hedge line and darted everywhere – the best I could manage was the wet paw prints he left behind. He loved playing on the walls and was particularly interested in the hessian covering the asparagus. Bella who is not so reserved, happily climbed, sniffed and explored. The fur on her side is growing back now – they’ve both recovered really well (in fact it was me who was traumatised!).

Bella outside

We’ve not introduced them to the cat flap yet as I want them to get used to being outside first. We have four days off work at Easter in so it will probably happen then when we can give them lots of time and attention.

Tired Cats

I’ve sown the first seeds at last – carrots, beetroot, chard, kale, broad beans and spinach all directly in the beds. Others such as tomatoes, aubergine, squash, sweetcorn and chillies have been brought indoors where they can get a cosier start. The only problem is where to keep the plant pots as the cats love soil and plants and the utility room is now their bedroom. I decided to put them on top of the oak beams in the garden room… I just hope they don’t fall on anyone’s head!

31 thoughts on “Freedom

  1. Hazardous creatures, cats! I find myself having to cover my seedlings with upturned wire trays wherever I leave them (porch, greenhouse, cold frame, indoors) as the cats love to sit on them and murder them to death. I’ve got to rig up some kind of wire screening to keep them OUT of the greenhouse when I start to ventilate it more regularly. Just as well I like the feline species, or there would be real trouble….

    • I suppose if it’s warm and cosy for your seedlings then the cats will love it too…. especially if it’s wrong!
      I hope they leave your Larkspur bed alone or else it won’t be just the slugs in trouble!

  2. 6 months old already? How time flies! Hope they don’t disturb your seedlings! We have had a cold few days, so I still haven’t sown anything… my seed compost is frozen solid outside, I’ll have to bring it indoors to thaw out! LOL!

    • I may have jumped the gun as more snow is forecast before Easter… oh well, it’s helped my craving and even if I have to start again at least I’ve made a start! You must have it cold if your compost is frozen solid x

    • I know what you mean – chickens are supposed to be good at keeping the slug population in check but they also do a great job at keeping the little seedlings in check too! My dream of free ranging them in the kitchen garden has been reconsidered 🙂

  3. Such handsome kitties. My Edward is also a big fellow and shy outdoors. He’s a good supervisor, however, and loves being out together. Wishing Bella and Milo many happy days in the garden… with you, of course!

    • Edward is a fine name for a big, shy Tom Cat! I’m sure Milo and Bella will be fine once they’ve had a little more time outside – thanks for your kind wishes x

  4. What a big adventure your lucky felines have had. They are beyond adorable.

    Wow…seeds in the ground already. You are on it! I need to amend my soil and get planting. The first official day of spring is this week!

    Love your posts, PJ.

    • I may have got a little carried away Alys as there’s more cold weather on the way and even snow… my little green fingers couldn’t wait any longer!

      • I sure know how that goes. I always smile at the seed packets saying “after danger of frost has passed.” As if we could mark our calendar and plant accordingly. Sigh.

        I remain hopeful that your little seeds stay warm tucked under the soil. Perhaps you can cover with a thick mulch or a green house cover of heavy duty plastic.

  5. Wonderful post PJ! You’ve just totally made my day with pictures of your darling Bella and Milo. I can only imagine your pure joy at watching them investigate the garden for the very first time. The photo of the little paw prints is beyond adorable. They are positively charming sitting there together, both looking right at the camera. What a great shot! Good thinking to move your garden up into the rafters, quite heavenly up there I’d imagine…giggle. xK

    • The little sweeties didn’t want to go out at first and made a terrible fuss… Milo hid under a table outside for ages and Bella walked around meowing. Once they realised they were safe they followed us around the back of the house to the kitchen garden. Milo was soon trying to eat the garlic (which proves he’s not a vampire cat… I’m still suspicious about Bella). They were so tired after playing outside that they collapsed on the sofa and posed for a photo without a grumble!

  6. I bet they loved their first outdoor adventure Bella looks very majestic posing on the garden wall. You are wise to keep your seedlings out of reach – I have just seen a picture on another blog of a cat asleep on top of seedling trays.

  7. Your Milo has the look of a cat who knows just how gorgeous he is and expects to be adored! I bet they’ll have lots of adventures in the garden over the summer. Do you think they’ll ignore the seedlings up on the beam, or see them as a challenge to be reached one way or another?

    • I’m surprised they haven’t tried to climb the beams yet – the curtains are no longer a challenge so they may reach the seedlings yet!!

  8. Your kittens sure are gorgeous. Really makes me want to get some too! Isn’t this weather just ‘bland’, I feel like it’s been the same now for months! Sounds like you’ve done a lot in your garden though, which is great. I’ve been sowing but not directly outside yet (apart from broad beans) because my soil is just too wet. One day it’s fine and lovely and crumbly, the next day snow or rain so I’m holding back from sowing direct. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, your house and garden just looks beautiful : )

    • Thanks Anna – we’re very lucky to live here and even though there’s lots of work to be done it’s still lovely. The soil here isn’t too wet but I think that’s because the raised beds are good at drainage…. I may regret sowing early but it was good to be gardening again!

  9. Lovely kitties and I bet no wthey have “tasted” outside they will want to be out more and more – lovely to have kitty helpers in the garden with you too!
    And sowing seeds – yaaay !!! I nee dto cover some of my beds and warm them up a littl emore before I feel I can direct sown here, but soon 🙂

  10. Pingback: Wake Me Up When It Gets Here | Boomdeeadda

  11. How very clever of you – Bella matches the coping on your walls! My mind is boggling with how you plan to water the plants on the beams. Anyone in your garden room had better take a brolly.

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