
A Pyjama Gardener is anyone who is too impatient to get dressed before venturing outside to check the plants… it was only meant to be a quick look (honestly)… but before you know it an hour or more has passed and you’re still wearing your pyjamas! 

Artwork by Fran Evans

I am so excited to have a new Kitchen Garden and I want to fill this space with great vegetables, lovely herbs and a fabulous fruit. I’ve never been lucky enough to have this space before but the gardening I do in my imagination is amazing!! I’m sure to make mistakes but will hopefully have fun and learn from these as I go along!  

82 thoughts on “About

  1. Oh, I do identify with this. Not only pyjamas, but dressing gown and (only once, honestly) slippers. I always think I’ll only do a quick little “clean” job, and end up getting wet and filthy. The slippers were never the same again. Welcome to the world of garden blogging. I will follow your future progress with interest, as they say.

  2. Are those your chickens? If so, we are kindred spirits since we would both have chickens and a garden.
    Nice blog. I like your style and your sense of humor.
    David/ Tropical Texana/ Houston, Texas :0)

    • Hi David – yes the chickens are mine and they are gorgeous ladies! We’ve had a fox sniffing around again so they’re safely locked up (much to their disgust!). They have a lovely big run though so it’s not too bad. Your blog is great – we need to stop grumbling about the rain in England as I’m sure you’d love some of it!

  3. Loved finding your blog through Blotanical. We sadly can’t wander the garden in our pyjamas, as we might scare the customers, although i was outside weeding with a hairdye cap on, when i was stopped and asked some questions by some visitors, we all just pretended everything was completely normal 🙂
    Looking forward to following your blog, Cat

  4. Hi there’ I’ve just popped over from Brdiget’s blog, and it’s great to “meet” another pyjama gardener. I know that feeling all too well “the I’ll just go and take a quick look at the garden and before you know it an hour has passed”. Happy gardening!

    • Thanks for dropping by – the good news is that I’ve now found your blog too! It will take me a long time to read through your posts so I’ll make time at the weekend so I can enjoy properly x

  5. i I was happy to find your blog this morning and discover I am not the only person out in the garden in nightwear. I greet my chickens each morning in dressing gown and wellies and always manage to spend a good time pottering before realising I should put something on! My neighbours (who I am sure have seen me) must think I am mad. Great blog which is now on my regular reading list.

    • Thank you so much for dropping by and taking the time to comment. Dressing gown and wellies is such a good look… add a waterproof jacket and bobble hat and you’ve got one really sassy outfit!

  6. I cannot count how many times I’ve jumped out of the shower, dried off, spotted something out the window that needed quick attention, zipped out the back door without a stitch, accidentally scared the sheep and then turned around to find the UPS guy filling out paperwork and waiting for my signiture. sigh.

  7. Hi there,

    I’ve only got a small container garden in my yard, and I’ve done this countless times barefoot and all without noticing, it’s like you’re still in the house really… 🙂

    Great blog, and keep up the good work.


    • Thanks Graziella – it’s really lovely of you to come over and see me! I sympathise with the problem you have with hail as it has virtually destroyed my rocket and baby lettuce. Thanks for your kind comments.

  8. I just found your blog and had myself a good chuckle. A fellow gardener who sneaks out for just a minute in pajama bottoms and a jacket. If I want to dress it up a bit, I pull some sweats over the pj’s so the neighbor on one side doesn’t notice. Thank you for the connection – I thought I might be the only one out there before I’m really ready for the day.

    • I’m lucky as our neighbours can’t see me… it’s just the Postman that sometimes gets a surprise! Thanks for dropping by… there’s more pyjama gardeners than we think 😉

  9. I too venture out into the garden without fully getting dressed so I’m growing morning glories against the wooden fence for a fast fix. I suppose I could make sure I’m decent before heading out but who am I kidding.

  10. love your blog. I wish I could be a pyjama gardener too. my garden is a 20min bike ride across town. athough this beeing berlin people might not even notice if I cycle in my pyjamas.
    I do get my “street clothes” dirty frequently. I quickly pull out a couple of weeds here before I change… or even worse when I am about to leave.
    happy gardening

  11. You do well to cycle before starting the gardening… it must be very rewarding to be growing things and looking after the wildlife in the city. Your broad beans are looking good… thanks for taking the time to comment!

  12. What a lovely time I’ve had visiting your blog. Perhaps our neighbors understand that the gift our gardens bring come with the daft dressing habits of the gardeners. I, too, stride into view in PJ’s.

    Thanks for stopping by Sustainable Beauty and giving me the opportunity to find you.

  13. I love your name! I garden in my pjs all the time! I wander out to let out the chickens, start pulling weeds and before I know it, it’s 10:00! Looking forward to following you!

  14. Love your blog. I garden in my PJs and houseshoes, even my robe sometimes. Lol. Usually with a cup of hot coffee in my hands. :0) Well, I feel inspired to go back out into the garden now! Cheers!

  15. OMG I’m so not worthy (I’ve just seen your cupcakes as well!) – I do potter around in my jamas in the garden…..it doesn’t improve my produce but at least they know I really care about them 🙂

  16. PJ Gardener eh? I like that. I look forward to being that. When we first bought our house, the back yard was completely surrounded by huge weedy shrubs and poorly maintained trees – apparently the previous owner planned the yard this way so she could sit in her back yard in her PJ’s in complete privacy. Needless to say we removed all that scraggly plant material………then discovered we were quite exposed – no PJ gardening for me. Over the years we’ve planted more appropriate trees and shrubs, added some privacy screening, and are slowly regaining our privacy………it won’t be long til I join your ranks and become a ‘PJ gardener’ too.

    • I’m lucky not to be overlooked by anyone so the PJs are quite acceptable around here. Your trees will soon grow and you’ll be able to wander around in the morning with a cup of tea and not worry about people thinking you’ve escaped from somewhere!

  17. What a unique blog! I would just die if anyone saw me in my PJ’s in my garden! Nope, I get dressed to go outside to tend to my garden and then get undressed when I come back inside. I don’t care how crazy that sounds!

  18. I am nominating you for TWO awards: The Beautiful Blogger Award and the Super Sweet Blogging Award. I have not posted my posts as yet but I am notifying you so you can get a head start. It looks like you know the drill! Congratulations! (If you do not accept awards, please let me know, thank you!)

  19. Hello, yeah..I wonder out into the garden in the morning in my PJ’s to. Yesterday I had my nightshirt on and just slipped on a pair of joggy bottoms and cut the grass. Look forward to following you.

    • You’re the first to notice Alys – thank you! I’m just playing as it’s raining outside and I’ve been wanting to change it for a long time. The previous photo was my tiny veg plot that I used to use before the Kitchen Garden was built this year x

      • I love it. It gives a nice flavor of what you write about. Beautiful photos, too.

        Enjoy that rain if you can. It’s breezy and warm here, with slightly overcast skies. I’m away for the weekend with my sister, but need to get busy planting winter seeds when we get home.

    • Vermont is very beautiful so thank you for the comparison! I live in England so my British accent might sound a bit strange on the blog! LOL!!! A bit like my sense of humour so please forgive me 🙂
      Thanks for stopping by.

      • It doesn’t sound strange, it sounded British, but i didn’t want to be wrong & you be offended (for some reason)

  20. Hi pj girl. Thanks for stopping by on the shabby chic kitchen post I’m glad you liked it. My wife and I recently became allotment renters so I shall be following for tips I think!

  21. Hello and what a beautiful blog! A good friend who is also a landscaper and blogger (and fabulous writer) just told me about your site (actually she just mentioned it on her blog, http://www.gardenhood.wordpress.com). I’m a writer too, and a publisher, and I’m trying to connect with garden writers as I have a new garden writing magazine. I would like to offer all your readers a free sample issue (pdf). The link is http://www.greenwomanmagazine.com Thank you–I appreciate your time in reading this–Sandra

  22. Cute blog! Have you found that your pile of gardening clothes outnumbers your non-gardening clothes thanks to all the wandering outside? L)

  23. Pingback: Aother Gardening Blog | Kibble

  24. La la la, lewdy-do….oh hello! I was just skipping by. Well not really. I was entertaining myself with some of my very own, be it old, blog posts. Actually, they’re sometimes quite delightful, ha! As it happens, you had left a message on that one and so I linked to your long lost blog….again 😀 Kind of happenstance though. I’m having to chop down the rhubbarb plant soon and saw your Granny’s recipe out front. So that’s a bit of a coincedence. As I realize, you may never read these messages, I’ll just say now how delicious it was and thank your granny properly. See you in a couple of years then shall I? Love and Hugs Boomdee.

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