Flippin’ ‘Eck!

Shrove Tuesday is celebrated in many ways around the world and commemorates the Eve of Lent. Over here we usually do this by eating lots of pancakes and arguing about the best toppings! I always look forward to this day as eating and arguing are a couple of things I’m good at and it helps make the February Blahs better. In the past eggs and butter were amongst the foods that were forbidden during Lent so making pancakes was the ideal way of using up these ingredients.

Pancake Day

My husband is the best pancake maker EVER so he’ll be on frying pan duty tonight when he finishes work. I asked if he wanted me to make a start but he’s quite particular about his batter 🙂 In my opinion the most delicious topping is a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and a sprinkle of vanilla sugar whereas the Master Pancake Chef prefers honey, syrup, treacle or chocolate spread (brute).
Here’s A Great Recipe and even if you don’t make pancakes tonight then it’s worth having them at the weekend – they’re lovely for breakfast with sliced banana, for dessert with icecream or even with a savoury filling and salad!

Traditional celebrations always make me think back to childhood memories.  My good hearted parents kept making pancakes until we were all full up. Please bear in mind that this was no minor achievement as I’m the eldest of four girls so the orange quarters usually ran out before the pancakes! Even as I write these words I can hear a faint sizzle of a frying pan and taste the tangy sweetness of being a little girl again. As I close my eyes I can see us all smiling and asking for more… “more?? you’ve already had six each!” x

…. but Pancake Day is not what I’m actually saying Flipping ‘Eck to. The Pyjama Gardener blog is one year old! I can’t believe that this mile stone has been reached and I know the reason for this is down to all you guys who read the posts, comment so generously and inspire me to keep going so thank you. As a thank you I will send you all a virtual pancake, fresh from the pan – you’ll just have to let me know which topping you prefer?

Translation Note: Flippin’ ‘Eck is a phrase used in the North of England that is similar to Good Gracious, Oh My Goodness, Oh Dear… or any of the less polite phrases of surprise!

52 thoughts on “Flippin’ ‘Eck!

  1. Happy Bloggy Birthday! We will be flipping tonight too, first savoury then sweet until they are full. Wonder how many that will take?!! Oh and I’m with you on the lemon and sugar.

  2. Excuse me while a dap a wee bit of virtual pancake from my lap, I’m a messy eater. I blame it on my progressive lenses, ha (bi-focals for cool people)…anyways Bravo on your first year of success at Pyjama Gardener. Fantastic! Lucky for us you’re here…with the kitten’s, garden, chickens, gourmet husband and very soon….crafts. It’s all a wonder how people connect out in web-land, I’m having so much fun in ‘virtual-english-countryside’ I almost don’t want to leave.

    I didn’t even know it was strove Tuesday until the morning news team mentioned it today. Unfortunately, I bought a steak for the hubby two days ago when the weather was warm and springy but never got around to making it…so tonight I must get it done on the BBQ. I don’t eat beef, so I’m going to load up on potatoes, sprouts and carrots….yum. Maybe we’ll have to do strove Wednesday….we just can’t live by rules LOL xK

    • Well, I hope you’ve got your virtual wellies on as it’s really muddy here at the moment despite the snow… is there a word for that? Snuddy??
      I don’t eat meat either and I must say that I’m quite relieved as the hot news this week concerns some food labelled as beef is actually horse!
      I’ll send another virtual pancake over…

      • Snuddy….HA, that sounds so brit! Love it 😀

        We also heard that horse meat story on the news and my stomach turned. There was also a processing plant closed down in Alberta for who know what. No worries with pasta and veggies 😀 While I’m still eating turkey and wish I could find a substitute. I’ve bought all kinds of products. Usually I make meatless meals, a turkey meal or two meals entirely.
        PS, I like my pancakes with apple jelly….I’m weird.

  3. Well, happy birthday to your blog – pancakes sound like a most suitable way to celebrate! And while you’re enjoying your pancakes, will you be raising a virtual glass of champagne in a toast to the next 12 months?

    • Thanks Sarah – the champagne will have to be virtual as I have none for the occasion. This is perhaps a good thing as it works like a truth serum and may not make for harmonious flipping!!

  4. Pancakes take me back to my childhood too – Mum in the kitchen full of smoke from the fat in the pan – they just kept on coming. We always had golden syrup on ours but now I like sugar and lemon too. Happy days. Many happy blogaversary returns. Doesn’t time fly.

  5. Thank you for the virtual pancake, although I had four already! 😉 I agree on the lemon and sugar – nothing like it. Pancake day makes me feel nostalgic too… Mum’s jug of batter seemed bottomless and everything within reach got coated in sticky lemon and sugar! 😉
    Congratulations on your first anniversary – happy blogging for year two! 😀

  6. Here in North America your pancakes are called crepes. In Canada pancakes are a popular breakfast item, I think we would call them Scottish pancakes or griddle cakes. This caused no end of confusion with my Canadian husband when we were first married. I still love the lemon and sugar version.

    • That is so interesting – over here crepes are French and extremely thin and delicate. English pancakes are a little thicker and more rustic and American pancakes are the smaller, thicker and equally delicious ones. Scotch Pancakes are known here as Drop Scones for some reason! As I love them all I’d never be disappointed 🙂

    • The great thing about blogging is that there is a whole world of new sayings and recipes out there! I’ve only just realised that confectioners sugar is icing sugar!

  7. Flippin’ ‘Eck sounded a lot worse than oh my or oh dear. I thought you were going to tell us something horrible. Would have never thought of a squeeze of lemon. Thanks for that idea and, oh my goodness gracious, land sakes alive! Your first blogaversary! Hooray!

  8. Congratulations on completing year one! I’d say that you have done remarkably well in your first year and should be proud. (I was still talking mostly to myself at the end of the first year. I seem to be a slow learner when it comes to the internet.)
    We did not have pancakes today due to time limitations, but I was thinking of making some pancakes for tomorrow night’s dinner. There is something so comforting about fluffy pancakes and maple syrup!

  9. Well done for one year! There’s a lot to celebrate – garden, kittens and now crafts ( except that scares me a bit as I am one of your 5 🙂 your pancakes are my ideal, and as near as I will get, being here in a pancake-less Perth 😦 flipping disappointing being pancake-free!

  10. Pancakes are a major food group in our house. :o) I’m not Catholic although my husband is and he gives up alcohol and chocolate every Lent. I like mine with blueberries, chocolate chips, or syrup, but not all at the same time. Except the blueberries and syrup – they go together quite well!

    • Pancakes should be a food group as they nourish the soul and are such a comfort food! I like blueberries and maple syrup on American Pancakes… mmmm x

  11. Happy anniversary PJ, and thanks for the virtual pancake!
    I love pancakes and I make then quite often, but I didn’t have any today. Since I am Norwegian I make my pancakes like yours, very thin, like French crepes – but there stop the resemblance. The pancakes has to be fried in butter, not in oil, and for topping I use crushed blueberries and sugar. I would prefer Scandinavian blueberries, but that I can’t get here in Britain of course. Scandinavian blueberries are a different type than what we get here, they are called Vaccinium myrtillus and has much, much more flavour. They grow everywhere, including in people’s garden if you don’t chuck it out, and pancakes without proper blueberries are not really pancakes. One of the few things I miss from Norway 🙂

    • Is it possible to grow Scandanavian Blueberries here? You could have a little piece of Norway in your garden and eat memories!
      I love to hear your stories about Norway Helene, especially the different customs and food. I’m glad you enjoyed the virtual pancake x

      • Might be possible to grow them in Scotland, don’t think in London…and I am not sure what plants I should chuck out to make room for them, difficult choice!

  12. Happy blogging anniversary and pancake day! I missed it this week as was away from home but all these recipes and flavours are making my mouth water, so I think some weekend pancakes are in order!

    • Enjoy your weekend pancakes… we sometimes treat ourselves to some on a Sunday morning. Strangely enough I prefer the American type with blueberries and maple syrup on a Sunday!

  13. Happy blog birthday to you! I flipped a pancake in your honour (a day late – the chickens aren’t laying so many eggs at the moment and we had to wait until we had enough!) and although I usually go for the traditional lemon, because this was your birthday celebration, I had one choc chip and another maple syrup and ice cream.
    I have you to thank for my increased waistline! 😉

    • My chickens are still laying quite a few eggs… but they never have fully understood the rules of being chickens! Wow, I’m impressed with the pancake topping. The gardening should take care of the waistline soon enough x

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